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Night of the Owl by Judith Sterling - Book Excerpt

A woman outside of her time. A man ahead of his. They must take a leap of faith to forge a bond that will shape history.

Night of the Owl by Judith Sterling

Book Description

PhD student Ardyth Nightshade has renounced men and pursues her twentieth-century career with single-minded focus. When fate whisks her to medieval England, she meets her match in a man whose passions mirror her own. Can she sacrifice ambition for a love she never sought?

Hugh, Lord Seacrest confounds all who know him. He refuses to marry without a meeting of minds and hearts, and no lady has even approached his ideal…until Ardyth. But she's an odd one, with unique skills, shocking habits, and total conviction she needs no man. She also harbors secrets, and in the midst of rumors, plots, and murder, trust is fragile.

A woman outside of her time. A man ahead of his. They must take a leap of faith to forge a bond that will shape history.


In the author's words . . .

The hero and heroine’s mutual love of history mirrors my husband’s and mine. You might say history brought us together, and there’s a lot of both of us in Night of the Owl. That’s why the book’s release date is perfect; it’s our 19th wedding anniversary!

Night of the Owl by Judith Sterling - Book Excerpt

Enjoy an Excerpt from

Night of the Owl

Callie grabbed qualed freedom. An escape from her past. Once there, she could finally be her true self again, stop looking over her shoulder, and maybe even find love.Hugh stormed into the cave, unable to stem the tide of jealousy swelling inside him. A pox on Ranulf! Ardyth thought him smart, talented, kind, and handsome. She told me she didn’t need a man. Now here she is, half in love with a goliard!

Her arms dropped to her sides, and she stumbled backwards.

He stopped and frowned. “Why do you recoil?”

She halted and lifted her chin. “Why do you look so angry?”

With purposeful strides, he closed the distance between them. “I met Lady Isobel near the gatehouse. She told me you were here, talking of Ranulf.”

“Oh, she did! How good of her to report my every move, and how predictable that you prize her opinion above mine.”

“As you prize Ranulf above other men?” He clenched his fists, willing her to contradict him yet knowing she wouldn’t.

“What are you talking about?”

“I saw the pair of you last night…conversing cozily in the hall. ʼTis obvious he’s claimed your affections, though how I cannot—”

“What?!” Her flushed face was a mask of disbelief.

“You heard me.”

“I did, but I doubted my ears. A man of your depth and perception must’ve realized that…”

His clamped fingers relaxed. “Realized…what exactly?”

“Must I say it out loud?”

“I think you’d better.”

With a huff, she rolled her eyes. “Ranulf is just a friend. If there’s anyone I like around here, ʼtis you!”

He hesitated only an instant, long enough to absorb what she’d said. Then he grasped her arms, pulled her to him, and pressed his lips to hers.

Breaking free of his hold, she took his face between her hands and returned his kiss with passionate abandon. Her tongue took the lead. Her moan harmonized with the howling wind. She tasted of elderberries, ginger, and honey. Of lust and life. Heat rushed through him, heightening every sense as he gave himself to the kiss.

Copyright © by Judith Sterling

Learn more by visiting the author's website. Night of the Owl was released October 21, 2019 by Wild Rose Press.

Praise for the Novels of Ravenwood

"Judith Sterling creates a beautiful, poetic mood that flows through the whole story...The author describes every environment perfectly and vividly brings every emotion to life...[FLIGHT OF THE RAVEN (The Novels of Ravenwood, Book One)] is a fantastic book for lovers of historical romance and romance alike!" – InD’Tale Magazine

“As soon as [SOUL OF THE WOLF (The Novels of Ravenwood, Book Two)] begins, the reader is swept away into a richly described world of fantasy mixed seamlessly with historical romance…perfect for fans of historical and fantasy fiction alike!” – InD’Tale Magazine


Meet the Author

Author Judith Sterling

Judith Sterling is an award-winning author whose love of history and passion for the paranormal infuse everything she writes. Whether penning medieval romance or young adult paranormal fantasy, her favorite themes include true love, destiny, time travel, healing, redemption, and finding the hidden magic which exists all around us. She loves to share that magic with readers and whisk them far away from their troubles, particularly to locations in the British Isles.

Her nonfiction books, written under Judith Marshall, have been translated into multiple languages. She has an MA in linguistics and a BA in history, with a minor in British Studies. Born in that sauna called Florida, she craved cooler climes, and once the travel bug bit, she lived in England, Scotland, Sweden, Wisconsin, Virginia, and on the island of Nantucket. She currently lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and their identical twin sons.


Night of the Owl by Judith Sterling

Genre: Historical Romance/Time Travel

Type: Novel

Heat Level: 5

Language Level: 3

Violence Level: 3

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