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MY LOVING VIGIL KEEPING by Carla Kelly - A Reader's Opinion

My Loving Vigil Keeping by Carla Kelly - book review

A Reader's Opinion

For me, this story really began once Della arrived in Scofield. At 8,000 ft elevation, the mining camp didn't seem to offer much that would entice a teacher from the city. I felt as though Della endured that first sight simply because she didn't feel turning back was an option, but you soon see her sense of adventure and her willingness to not give up.

Owen Davis is a charmer and I enjoyed his banter with Della. Where I admired Della's courage and strength, Owen was my favorite. Despite his difficulties, he makes room in his life for hope. I enjoyed the blending of cultures and most especially the history behind the mining disaster. The author made this event feel very real and I found myself feeling the same emotions as the characters. The romance is present, but it burns slowly and sweetly. The author definitely has a talent for writing and keeps the pace of the story going from chapter to chapter.

"Live a little and laugh some more"—my favorite line from the book!

Note from Reader: This book has a good deal of religion in it. It didn't bother me, but it is present. I feel that it adds to the story rather than overpowers it, but that is just this reader's opinion.


My Loving Vigil Keeping

Della's giving up all the comforts of bustling Salt Lake City to teach school in a rural coal mining camp. Little does she know, she may soon be giving up her heart as well. But when tragedy strikes in the Scofield Mine, Della's life will be changed forever. Based on true events, this thrilling new romance from award-winning and bestselling author Carla Kelly is a must-read!


Historical Romance/Religious Fiction | Pub: August 14, 2012 | 364pp | Cedar Fort, Inc.

Format Read: Paperback | Source: Provided by the author or publisher


Content Rating: 1 Heart* | Read by: MK

*As of Aug 2020, we no longer give ratings to books, except for content. We review and share only those books we have enjoyed and think others will enjoy, too. Learn more.

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This book was reviewed on the original Books & Benches site sometime between 2012-2016, and has been reposted on the new blog for indexing purposes.


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