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LAND OF HEROES by Dorothy Wiley - A Reader's Opinion

LAND OF HEROES by Dorothy Wiley

A Reader's Opinion

Land of Heroes is a thoroughly intriguing story full of wonderful historical information and frontier realism.

Each character was highly entertaining. Their interactions kept me engaged and interested in their individual stories, and what would happen next to them. The author took me through a journey of the Texas frontier and explained everything with enough detail that I thought I was there. I especially liked the combination of true events mixed in with fiction – they felt seamless.

The courageous men and women were brought to life by Wiley in Land of Heroes. This book is #4 in her Wilderness Dawning—the Texas Wyllie Brothers Series, but I did not feel lost not having read the previous books. Land of Heroes is sure to be enjoyed by fans of historical western romance and historical fiction.


Land of Heroes

Can sparks of the heart ignite amid the battle that flamed the epic struggle for Texas? In 1824, ten years before the Texas Revolution, the province of Texas belonged to Mexico—but not for long. Texians would soon rebel against the oppression of the Mexican commandant. In a land that grew heroes from those with courageous and daring hearts, this heart-jolting historical romance is the fourth novel in the Wilderness Dawning Series and features Wiley’s popular and well-loved characters, the Wyllies and MacKays. From an award-winning and highly-rated author, LAND OF HEROES is an irresistible tale of love, friendship, and courage.

Fearing for her father and brother’s safety, Alexa Anderson opposes the formation of a Texian militia. Rebels risked being shot by firing squads at the Mexican army’s fort in the East Texas town of Nacogdoches.

Alexander MacKay is on his way out of Mexican Texas, returning to his home in Kentucky when he senses he shouldn’t leave. Staying doesn’t make sense, but he soon realizes he can help the Texians' cause of freedom. Once he meets Alexa, he has another reason to stay although the beautiful, opinionated woman, fearing for his life also, tries to talk him into leaving. Texas is not a safe place for spirited young men who believe basic human rights are God-given.

But Alexander’s desire to fight for freedom is too great. Along with his father Bear MacKay, her family, and the famous James Bowie, he soon joins the Texians National Militia to fight in the Battle of Nacogdoches—a battle that could change the course of history and the lives of two young people. Alexa learns that the rebellion she resisted may be the only true path to safety and to love. Will the fighting and a dangerous enemy place too great a strain on their budding love? Or will Alexander’s commitment to the cause of freedom ultimately strengthen their love?



Genre: American Historical Romance/Western

Release: September 29, 2021

Format Read: E-Book

Source: Provided by the author or publisher

Content Rating: 2 Hearts—Our hearts are aflutter. This author knows how to turn up the heat with some passionate kisses. Nothing graphic here!

NOTE: Ratings are only provided for content (sex, violence, language, etc.). We do not give star ratings on this blog, though reviewers may do so on retail outlets and Goodreads. We review and share only those books we have enjoyed and think others will enjoy, too. Learn more.

Disclaimer: Books & Benches received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. Opinions expressed in this review are completely those of the reader/reviewer. See full disclaimer below.


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