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"Intriguing" - KILLER BLONDE by Allan Evans - Interview

We're welcoming thriller writer Allan Evans, author of Abnormally Abbey and Killing Time. Allan gives us a behind-the-scenes look at Killer Blonde, a "knockout book" set in the Twin Cities.

Killer Blonde by Allan Evans

Killer Blonde

Every serial killer has a type. But what if that type is part of a larger, more dangerous agenda?

With virtually identical women being murdered in Minnesota, panic is causing huge political

pressure to get the killer off the streets. Celebrated investigator Cade Dawkins is given the hot

potato case and hopes to get it wrapped up before the governor has his head. But the killer has

his own agenda—one that goes beyond simply murdering knockout blondes. As it becomes a

cat and mouse game between killer and investigator, Dawkins begins to realize he just may be

the mouse.

In the author's words . . .

Killer Blonde was a labor of love. Setting the book in the Twin Cities and writing the characters was surprisingly fun—even with such a dark subject.

Q&A with Allan Evans

What is your favorite scene in Killer Blonde?

I love writing the interaction between characters. As cool as having a loner main character sounds, it makes for a better story when characters argue, tease and have fun together. For an example, take one of my favorite scenes with Cade, his boss Capt. Rejene and his partner Rob:

Capt. Rejene’s head swung around from Rob to Cade. “Really? You picked this time to get involved with the most prominent newsperson in the entire city? The same one who has a source within our investigation?” Lt. Rejene did not look pleased. At all.

“Look, it just happened. I wasn’t looking for anything from her, but sometimes things happen. And just so you know, she isn’t getting anything from me.”

“Information, you mean,” Rob interjected.

Cade shook his head and held up a finger. “Reynolds isn’t getting information from me. Her source is someone else.”

Which writer(s) inspire you?

Without a doubt, I wouldn’t be writing if it wasn’t for John Sandford. His amazing storytelling in his Prey series featuring Lucas Davenport has thrilled me for decades and inspired me to write my own books.

How do you select the names of your characters?

The main character, Cade Dawkins, is named after my son Cade. Most of my characters are based on people I know. Some, I simply borrow a name, while others may have a few more traits thrown in. But, to paraphrase a common legal disclaimer: any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is meant to be a compliment.

Do you have to be alone or have quiet to write?

I may be the oddball among writers, but I prefer people and anything but quiet when I write. As I type this, I’m in a Starbucks with plenty of people (spaced appropriately apart) with louder music playing. I find I’m bopping my head to Payphone by Maroon 5

If you were to genre-hop, which genres would you most like to try writing?

I’m a sucker for a good time travel story—and who says you can’t mix a thriller with time travel?

Imagine a police officer with a found cell phone. It’s an odd looking cell, but it seems like there’s new models coming out weekly. When he redials the last number called to find out whose phone he has, a series of tones from the phone sends him reeling with vertigo as he hangs onto his squad car. When he comes out of it, he’s not by his squad, but instead he finds himself in an alley. Outside of the alley he’s drawn by a large crowd and follows them into the downtown area. Surprisingly, there’s mass chaos. There are demonstrators, police in full riot gear and helicopters buzzing overhead, and television cameras everywhere. Just like a week ago when there was a massive political event. Just like a week ago… Examining the phone, he wonders if the unbelievable has happened: did he just make a call to the past that brought him here? If so, he wants it to end and he pushed the red END button. The tones and the vertigo return, doubling him over. And he finds himself at his squad car once again. Curiouser and curiouser.

See? It can work.

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The Author

Author Allan Evans

As the son of a prominent jazz musician, Allan Evans grew up surrounded by music, art and literature. Since he was named after Edgar Allan Poe, it isn’t surprising he became a writer. While most of his career has been working as an advertising copywriter, it was John Sandford’s brilliant storytelling in his Prey series that inspired Evans to begin writing his own novels. He is also the author of Abnormally Abbey (Immortal Works).


Genre: Mystery/Thriller - Not Romance Specific

Type: Novel

Publication Date: February 2, 2021

Immortal Works Press

Content Rating: PG-13 (1): Non-Descriptive Sex; Some Violence

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