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A Reader's Opinion: SCORCHED by Paula Quinn

SCORCHED by Paula Quinn


Dragons, a sexy hero, a spunky writer, and an English castle. What's not to like?

SCORCHED by Paula Quinn is definitely entertaining. It's a departure from what I usually read, but I've read many of Paula's other books and couldn't wait to try something different. The author breathed life into Samantha Montgomery, who is tough, knows what she wants, and is a riot; a lot of fun. Even with a tad too much virgin/dragon seduction talk, I really liked Sam all the way through. She's living a somewhat dream life while writing in an English castle when this dragon-turned-man literally falls into her barn. Marcus was turned into a man by another dragon, losing everything he knows and loves. Now he has to try to adapt to this unfamiliar world where he is in some ways inferior to his former self, or at least it seems that way at first. He is arrogant, handsome, and pretty entertaining if you look at him like a dragon who is trying behave as a human should. When he experiences an intense attraction for Sam, he's out of step with how to try and court her, or even just behave normally. His journey is fun to watch.

Fantasy isn't a genre I favor, but the author did a good job of creating the dragon world and using their language and special abilities all while in the real world. I had to separate this from the author's historical Highlander books in my mind so I could fully appreciate this new style. SCORCHED is a great start to a new series.


Rating: 4 1/2 Stars | Content Rating: 5 Hearts | Reviewed by: Kaylie Morgan



Marcus is a Drakkon as ancient as the stars, stronger than a mountain, and the last of his kind. Men now rule the earth. The time of the Drakkon is over thanks to the legendary Phoenix Amber and the Council of Elders who use its power to transform Drakkon into humans. When the Council discovers he may be hiding a treasure worth more than any dragon horde, they will stop at nothing to have it and transform him against his will. Being human is worse than anything Marcus could have imagined. His brilliant cerulean scales are gone, replaced with paltry skin he is sure could not even stop a bird if one flew into him. But worse than imprisonment in a male body are the awakenings of unfamiliar human desires that are nothing like the animal urges that were so easily satisfied as a Drakkon— emotions like loneliness that make him seek out companionship with a woman who, unfortunately for him, happens to be a sweetly-scented virgin. Samantha Montgomery isn’t about to go to bed with a man who believes he used to be a reptile, especially one whose smoldering smiles make her think of being consumed alive by fire, and loving it. A romance writer and product of the New York State foster care system, Sam just wants some normalcy in her life. She’ll never get it with Marcus. Should it matter that his wickedly passionate touch tempts her to yield all, even if all he wants is her virtue? He is everything she doesn’t want in a man. Fear of commitment is one thing, not loving anyone or anything for ten centuries is another. But he won’t leave her castle. He’s arrogant, proud, and a bit delusional as to his abilities, but despite all his infuriating ways, including reading her mind and ceaselessly trying to convince her that the knights she writes about were useless beings clad in metal, he works his way into her life by fixing what’s broken; from the stone wall outside her battle-beaten castle to the wall around her heart. When Marcus discovers the treasure that prompted his transformation, he must make a choice. Give up his human heart and save the Drakkon race, or surrender his heart to love and remain a man forever.


Fantasy/Romance | December 27, 2016 | 178pp | Dragonblade Publishing

Series: Rulers of the Sky, book 1 | Format Read: E-book | Source: Provided by the author or publisher

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