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A Reader's Opinion: DEADLY ALIBI by Leigh Russell


DEADLY ALIBI by Leigh Russell


Hold on tight because DEADLY ALIBI is going to take you on a ride you won't forget. Author Leigh Russell keeps the reader guessing page after page. Halfway through the story, when you think everything is wrapped up with a pretty bow, there's another twist that throws you off balance. This is the first book I've read by Russell, so I've missed the first eight books in this series. I would like to know more about Geraldine Steel beginnings, but this book read like a stand-alone novel. The author has two story lines happening and I found the murder and mystery much more interesting than the tiring sub-plot that takes place with Geraldine's twin sister.

DEADLY ALIBI is a story of mistaken identity, misdirection, and false alibis. I didn't much like the exposition style of writing, especially in the beginning, but the dialogue was snappy and kept the story moving forward. Leigh Russell does know how to keep the heart pumping and the reader wondering what is going to jump out of the shadows next.

Content Note: Heavy swearing and disturbing images and situations.


Star Rating: 3 1/2 Stars | Content Rating: See note above | Reviewed by: Kaylie Morgan



A double murder investigation threatens not only Geraldine Steel's career, but her life... 'Unmissable' – Lee Child Two murder victims and a suspect whose alibi appears open to doubt.... Geraldine Steel is plunged into a double murder investigation which threatens not only her career, but her life. And then her previously unknown twin Helena turns up, with problems which are about to make Geraldine's life turn toxic in more ways than one! For fans of Rachel Abbott, Angela Marsons, Peter James and Robert Bryndza, Deadly Alibi is a gripping murder investigation that will keep you turning the pages late into the night.

Paperback: 320 pages

Publisher: No Exit Press

Release Date: Dec 8, 2016 in the UK | May 25, 2017 in the US


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Format Read: E-Book | Source: Provided by the author or publisher via NetGalley.

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